Jacob | Senior Session |Thornton, Colorado

boy on bridge thornton colorado boy senior pictures thornton colorado
boy senior pictures thornton colorado boy on bench thornton colorado boy senior pictures thornton colorado


Jacob’s mom contacted me to do his senior session back in October. We headed up to Boulder, of course! He really liked the idea of having some older buildings and brick walls so I knew just the place to take him. It was a perfect overcast day so I was super excited.

The day before, I had some super harsh sunlight which caused some anxiety on my end. I was so relieved when we got a little cloud cover! We wandered around the park, and come to find out, we live in the same neighborhood! And guess what else, I now live in their friends’ previous home!

Jacob plans to attend University of Northern Colorado! I find it so cool that a majority of my 2019 seniors already know where they’re headed. When I was a senior in high school, I didn’t start thinking about a college until it was pretty much too late.  I remember having a talk with my mom saying that I wanted to go a university. She said, “What would you major in?”. I responded with, “I dunno. Computers?”. I didn’t have a clue what I wanted at that time, but I had a feeling that I was missing out. Though I already had my first couple American Sign Language classes, I felt like those were “dumb” classes. Was I really going to do sign language as a career? People thought it was so cool that I was able to pick up a language like that, but I felt blah! Sometimes I wish that I had a different job. But, I came to appreciate this super unique skill set that I have. And I’m just now starting to realize that I’m not “stuck” in my profession and it’s never too late to do something you like. No, I’m not going to start studying computers. But, I am learning how to invest more into what I love; not just what pays the bills. Photography is my passion and I love getting to do both!

We finished up the senior session with some more killer shots.
​Show Jacob some love.

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