7 Tips to Slay Your Portrait Session
Everyone wants to slay their portrait session! Many of my clients have the same questions: what should I wear, and what should I do to prepare so that I get the most out of it? I’ve put together this simple list of tips and tricks to make it easier!
1. Avoid red
You should think about avoiding red, pink, and any obnoxious color that will cast onto your face. No one looks their best with an unintended pink hue to your face. More than likely your portrait session will take place during the summer time where there will be a lot of lush green landscape. I’m sure you don’t want to look like you’re posing for a Christmas card by wearing complimentary colors. A good tip is to think of the colors you see on a rainy day and stick with those earth tones. Gray, ivory, khaki, navy, olive green, burnt orange and mustard yellow are all great options.
2. Slay your session wearing glasses!
If you wear glasses daily; wear them to your session! However, a good tip is to remove your lenses (if possible) so there isn’t a glare. No one will ever know that the lenses are missing, and you’ll still look like yourself. Transition glasses are almost impossible to deal with so pop them out before your session begins!
3. Wear solids or conservative prints
Wearing shirts with logos, words, phrases, or pictures is a no-no. If you want your senior photos to be timeless, stick to solid colors and traditional styles. You don’t want to look back in your yearbook ten or twenty years from now and say, “What in the heck was I thinking?” Another good idea is to stay away from the shirts that have trending phrases or logos- they will no be in style in ten years. I promise. I always suggest bringing one solid shirt that you can dress up or down with a jacket, cardigan, and accessories. In addition to a solid shirt, bring another clothing item with a pattern. Girls, this means maybe a floral dress that can partner with the same cardigan and jacket. Guys, plaid button-ups are super easy!
4. Be comfortable
During your session, comfort is priority. That cute flower dress that I mentioned above, can you kneel, stretch, lay, squat, bend and still be comfortable? Is it still school appropriate? Does the outfit become compromised in order for you to be comfortable? If you answer no; then it isn’t worth it. You’ll be posed in several different ways all throughout your session so we want the images to look as natural as possible. If you’re planning on wearing high heels, then also bring a pair of flip-flops that you can trek around to the different locations in.
5. Plan Ahead
Plan ahead to slay your portrait session! Do not drastically change your look right before your photos. If you have shoulder length blond hair, don’t cut it and dye it pink a week before your session. Guys, it’s important that you have a clean cut (and shave!) about a week before your photos take place. Please remember, don’t pick at blemishes. You can cover it up with foundation (yes, even you gentlemen)or we can see what Photoshop magic we can work. If you’re getting your makeup done, make sure it’s true to who you are. You still want to be recognizable and your makeup should be consistent with your daily look. Have your wardrobe planned. Call me, Facetime me, send me photos! I can help with this process up until your session happens–don’t wait until the night before to try and cram an outfit together. Also, since it’s summer: tan lines. You should plan to wear a shirt that covers up your bathing suit tan lines.
6. Practice slaying your portrait session
Practice. You’re not going to fool me- I know you practice taking photos of yourself using the latest and greatest filters! Keep doing it! They help you (which ends up helping me) slay your session. You’ll know your good side, practice facial expressions and get comfortable seeing yourself. I might ask you to do some silly type of poses or make different faces, but I promise- everything I ask will evoke an authentic you! Serious looks, laughing, posed, and candid… practice! Your final exam on this will be your session. Kidding =)
7. Be Yourself
Be yourself. This can’t be interpreted any other way. Just be you. Sometimes, this means asking mom and/or dad to hang back during the session so you can freely do your photos without someone watching from the side. Or, maybe this means you need your mom to tell an inside joke to get that natural smile out. Either way is your choice. Be you in every sense of the word.
I can’t wait to see you rock your session! And know that these are general guidelines, not rules set in stone–let me know if you have any additional questions about your personal wardrobe! If you want more tips for a family session, check out this post: 5 Tips for your Family Photo Session | Your Modern Story
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