Roman | Denver Newborn Photographer

My session with baby Roman and his family was delayed, but I can tell you it was worth the wait! We postponed his newborn session by a few months because he had to be on oxygen. He is doing great now, and I was thrilled when we were finally able to get together for our shoot. 

He is the cutest little chunky, smiley baby ever, and the perfect mix of his mom and dad.  It was so fun to work with a baby who was a little bit older and very much into smiling! We got some of the sweetest pictures of his cute smile. He was also working on mastering tummy time. The pictures of him on his belly are the best! 

They just moved into their home. The nursery was decorated perfectly for photos, and was the perfect location for our session together. Their dog, Buff, was happy to stand by and watch over his new brother during our shoot. I just love when pets are along for the adventure with us! It always makes for the best photos, and I love including all the members of the family. 

Sometimes clients aren’t sure about what they should wear for their sessions with me. Don’t let this stop you from booking! I am always available to help you decide on what will look best during your shoot, from making suggestions about colors to styling your family. I was able to style mom and dad for our time together, and they look great! Mom wore a cream-colored dress like this one, and Dad wore a complementary plaid shirt. 

I had such an incredible time with baby Roman and his family. It was most certainly well worth the wait, and I can’t WAIT to always work with this sweet family! If you are getting ready to welcome your own little one, reach out, and let’s plan your session!

Roman sits in chair with teddy bear
infant smiles sitting in chair for Denver newborn photographer
mother holds son in nursery by Your Modern Story
New parents hold Roman in his nursery
New dad snuggles son for Denver newborn photographer
Mother and father hold  baby with toes out for Your Modern Story
New parents stand together in nursery with Roman
Mom and dad sit on the floor with child for  Denver newborn photographer
baby lays in crib with white outfit and white sheets by Your Modern Story
Roman lays on a rug on the floor with his parents
nursery details and crib by  Denver newborn photographer
mother and son lay together on floor for Your Modern Story
Dad holds Roman while Mom sits next to him
infant rests on his arms on bed for  Denver newborn photographer
family of three sits closely on bed by Your Modern Story
New parents stand next to window with new child Roman
baby toes shown off by mom for  Denver newborn photographer
baby lays on blanket on floor smiling for Your Modern Story
Roman smiles while laying on a blanket

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