Summer family photos are always popular. Maybe not as popular as fall family photos, but still super popular. Which is good, because I love them the most!
As a Colorado Family Photographer, I find myself loving photos in the summer the most because of the greenery. Green grasses, trees, bushes, plants, stems, everything! Once fall comes around, all color is dependent on family wardrobe choice. This isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t my favorite. I would much rather have pops of color everywhere!
The studio I rent from is really great about setting up networking events for photographers. She gets a theme in her head, and then designs it for all of us crazy people that are eager to shoot. She will find model families, hair and makeup artists, local boutiques, and furniture/decor companies. We all sign up to attend these shoot outs and have the time of our lives. Not only do we give complimentary photos to the families that participate, but we PAY to be there! Crazy, huh? We actually flip the switch and pay people to let us take their photos. To have perfect photos is absolutely worth it to me.
This set was called The Clothesline. As you can see, we had a very simple set, but the photos make me feel everything but simple. Between the three sets of models, we were able to snap very different images of people in different chapters of their lives. This, obviously, was my favorite part since that’s a huge part of my brand. Documenting the NOW, not the PERFECT. We had a single young lady that got to have the attention all on her, a mom and daughter pair that made me want to book a session like this for myself, and a mom with her three young kiddos.
Sarah (from the mom/daughter duo) was seen several times just holding her mouth and her heart as she watched her teen daughter get her self portraits done. You could physically see how much she loved her daughter at that very moment. I thought it was important to give mom that same experience and have her daughter watch how beautiful her mom was in her own frame.
Dana had your three young babies with her that day. Two boys and a baby girl with most rad name I’ve ever heard. We let the boys play and run and get dirty, but then we also snapped some images of mom loving on her little lady. Oh and her hair…can’t forget her hair. It was like another family member that deserved it’s own session.
And then there was a stunning single girl, Karen, that said she’s never modeled. I think she was a liar. A big one. Why? Because she nailed every image, every time. I loved the contrast of her dark hair up against the bright linens. She was such a hoot to work with!
While I love shooting my very own clients’ summer family photos, I love breaking out of the mold to meet new people. I love pushing my creativity.
Do you think a set like this would be good for your summer family photos?