Favorite Senior Sessions | Juan and Cristhian

Favorite Senior Sessions

As mentioned in a previous blog, some of my most favorite senior sessions are with my former students. This is no exception for these handsome, young men. Meet Juan and Cristhian. The featured studs. 

I met Juan in 6th grade- the only grade where I was taller than him. He was a sweet, shy boy who was trying to find his way through middle school. During his first couple middle school years, he was the only Deaf student that solely relied on American Sign Language. And he was the only boy. Juan would never admit that he didn’t like it (or maybe he would), but I’m sure it sucked. 

Colorado Senior Photographs
Colorado Senior Photographs

Enter Cristhian. 

Cristhian came to us from Mexico in the middle of his 7th grade year. He didn’t have many english words and definitely not any signs in ASL. But boy was he sweet. There was a lot of Google-image-searching and gesturing that year, but he worked hard at what he could. 

Favorite Senior Sessions
Colorado Senior Photographs

Did we just become best friends?

Juan and Cristhian took to each other so fast. The more exposure to language Cristhian had, the more communication took place between the two. They dressed alike, acted alike, and had many more similarities. 

Fast forward to their senior year. I feel like I could cry writing this blog because I adore them THAT much. Both of them have blossomed in a way that I never thought possible. God knew that they needed each other. Needed each other in so many other ways than just school buddies. These boys pull pranks together, learn and laugh together, but most importantly…they can communicate in the same language!

We did their senior sessions together in Thornton, Colorado at a local park where the light was just right. Everything was just right. Well, except it had snowed the day before so Cristhian was worried about dirtying his new kicks. Both of the boys looked like they were fresh out of a magazine, but I wouldn’t expect anything less. We were able to get some great final images for their families and yearbook.

Juan is still the same little Juan from 6th grade. A perfectionist. Still shy. A true gentleman. 

Cristhian is still the same little Cristhian from 7th grade. A jokester. Still dances. A true gentleman.

And excuse me while I go cry in a corner while I think back to my favorite senior sessions. Ha! Come back and visit me, you two!

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