As a Colorado Newborn Photographer, I don’t do the prop-n-pose newborn photos. I respect and admire the photographers that do, because holy cow- crazy talented people right? I choose to focus on what looks real. Right then and there. In the moment. Having a newborn is not always creamy light, dreamy blankets, and no crying. Actually, it’s hardly like that. It’s much more realistic to photograph mom trying to soothe her baby that is a little grouchy. It’s ten times more beautiful (in my opinion) to shoot a mom and dad trying to figure out their new little life by a window in their own home.
I love being able to pop in and around families home and using all of their special spaces. Living rooms, kitchens, stairways, nurseries, and bedrooms. The baby will end up in all of those areas anyways in it’s life, so why not use what’s available?
Heather and her husband allowed me to do just that. We hung out near their sliding back door and produced one of my all time favorite photos. Heather is grinning from ear to ear, and so is little Owen. He was one happy guy at the beginning of the session, and was over it near a half hour. But that’s normal! Babies aren’t expected to hangout with adults with a camera for much longer than that! That’s what I absolutely love about lifestyle newborn photos. Don’t you want to remember what your baby’s frown looked like just as much as his grin? I sure do.
My favorite part of this day was this family’s phrase that I had stuck in my head for a solid day afterwards: “Hello, Owen! How’s it Goin!” Cute, huh?! He smiled so big when her heard his dad say this. How could you not? It’s super catchy!
Even if your photos are indoors, wardrobe is still one of the most important factors. Be sure to check out Jane and Janie and Jack to select some outfits that are neutral, timeless, and comfortable. Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.
Thank you for allowing me into your home and letting me hang out with you guys! All babies have a story to be told. What kind of Colorado newborn photographer will you select for your kiddo? Over propped and posed or real as it comes?